Pio­neer of the first hour

H&S has been a spe­cia­list in the field of IEC 61850 sin­ce the begin­ning of the stan­dard. You can rely on our experts both in the area of ​​con­sul­ting and in the area of ​​soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment. Through our acti­ve par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the Net­work Technology/Network Ope­ra­ti­on Forum (FNN), the latest deve­lo­p­ments in the stan­dard are incor­po­ra­ted into our products.

IEC 61850 Engineering

Die ent­schei­den­de Bedeu­tung im Sys­te­men­gi­nee­ring von Sta­ti­ons­leit­tech­nik liegt im ein­ge­setz­ten Pro­jek­tie­rungs­werk­zeug. Ein wesent­li­ches Qua­li­täts­merk­mal dabei ist der Auf­wand für Kon­fi­gu­ra­ti­on und pro­jekt­spe­zi­fi­sche Para­me­trie­rung. Bei der Wahl des rich­ti­gen Werk­zeugs müs­sen nicht nur Anschaf­fungs- und Schu­lungs­kos­ten berück­sich­tigt wer­den, son­dern auch die lang­fris­ti­ge Wie­der­ver­wend­bar­keit der gene­rier­ten Projektdaten.

Hier eröff­nen sich inter­es­san­te Per­spek­ti­ven durch die Norm­rei­he IEC 61850. Ein her­stel­ler­neu­tra­les Kon­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons­werk­zeug, wie es in der IEC 61850 gefor­dert wird, ver­schafft dem Anwen­der neue Frei­heits­gra­de. H&S steht für inno­va­ti­ve Lösun­gen im Engi­nee­ring-Pro­zess von Sta­ti­ons­leit­tech­nik. Wir bie­ten nicht nur erst­klas­si­ge Werk­zeu­ge, son­dern auch das Know-how, um Ihre Pro­jek­te effi­zi­ent und zukunfts­fä­hig zu rea­li­sie­ren. Ver­trau­en Sie auf H&S für Ihren Erfolg im moder­nen Sys­te­men­gi­nee­ring von Stationsleittechnik.

IEC 61850
Sub­sta­ti­on Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on Tool

The SCT auto­ma­ti­cal­ly crea­tes stan­dard-com­pli­ant descrip­ti­ons in SCL from the con­fi­gu­red sin­gle-line block dia­grams, sys­tem com­pon­ents, infor­ma­ti­on objects and the com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on. SCT gene­ra­tes spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on data sets (Sys­tem Spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on Descrip­ti­on, SSD), device data sets (IED Capa­bi­li­ty Descrip­ti­on, ICD / IID) and com­ple­te sys­tem descrip­ti­ons (Sys­tem Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on Descrip­ti­on, SCD). A clear sys­tem model is crea­ted and can be han­ded over in a stan­dar­di­zed for­mat to the sup­pli­er of the con­trol tech­no­lo­gy com­pon­ents for sys­tem-spe­ci­fic fur­ther processing 

SCL Gene­ra­tor

The con­ver­si­on of data point lists into a func­tion­al SCL file can be done manu­al­ly, which is cum­ber­so­me. The­re is a high error rate here.
Der H&S SCL-Gene­ra­tor ist in der Lage aus Ihrer schon vor­han­de­nen Excel Lis­te eine norm­kon­for­me .icd-Datei oder .scd-Datei zu erstel­len. Hier­bei wer­den die Daten­ein­trä­ge geprüft und nicht norm­kon­for­me Inhal­te dem Benut­zer gemel­det. Außer­dem fügt der SCL Gene­ra­tor not­wen­di­ge Nor­m­in­hal­te zu, falls die­se nicht in der Excel-Lis­te ent­hal­ten sein sollten.

IEC 61850 Test­ing & Monitoring

In der heu­ti­gen Wirt­schafts- und Pro­duk­ti­ons­land­schaft spielt die Zuver­läs­sig­keit der elek­tri­schen Ener­gie­ver­sor­gung eine ent­schei­den­de Rol­le. Ein siche­rer und stö­rungs­frei­er Betrieb der Schalt­an­la­gen sowie ihrer leit­tech­ni­schen Sys­te­me ist dabei von zen­tra­ler Bedeutung.

Bei H&S kon­zen­trie­ren wir uns dar­auf, inno­va­ti­ve Tools für umfas­sen­de und qua­li­ta­tiv hoch­wer­ti­ge Kom­po­nen­ten- und Sys­tem­prü­fun­gen zu ent­wi­ckeln. Unse­re Tech­no­lo­gien ermög­li­chen es, die Funk­ti­on der Sta­ti­ons­au­to­ma­ti­sie­rung effi­zi­ent zu über­prü­fen, um einen rei­bungs­lo­sen Betrieb sicherzustellen.

Ver­trau­en Sie auf H&S, um Ihre Ener­gie­ver­sor­gung zu opti­mie­ren. Mit unse­ren erst­klas­si­gen Prüf-Tools bie­ten wir Ihnen die Werk­zeu­ge, die Sie benö­ti­gen, um die Zuver­läs­sig­keit Ihrer Schalt­an­la­gen zu maxi­mie­ren. Bei H&S set­zen wir auf Qua­li­tät und fort­schritt­li­che Tech­no­lo­gie, um sicher­zu­stel­len, dass Ihre Ener­gie­ver­sor­gung stets auf höchs­tem Niveau bleibt.

CVT Logo
CVT – Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on Vali­da­ti­on Tool

For access to the Con­trol tech­no­lo­gy to be tes­ted, the CVT sup­ports pro­to­col inter­faces for: IEC 61850, IEC 60870–5‑101/103/104 and the inter­face for pro­cess simu­la­ti­on IPS-20. Due to the fle­xi­ble com­bi­na­ti­on opti­on of the­se sys­tem inter­faces, the CVT can be used for dif­fe­rent test scenarios. 

– Che­cking of gate­way para­me­ters
– IED func­tion­al test
– IED simulation

Native Client Logo

All com­mands defi­ned in the IEC 61850 stan­dard can be exe­cu­ted with the H&S Nati­ve Cli­ent. Asso­cia­te com­mands, sub­scrib­ing to RCB, recei­ving GOOSE mes­sa­ges, set­ting or rea­ding data attri­bu­tes and also rea­ding out the data direc­to­ry. IEDs can be impor­ted from an exis­ting SCL or con­fi­gu­red manu­al­ly. A solid basic know­ledge of the IEC 61850 stan­dard is requi­red to ope­ra­te this all-pur­po­se tool

TestServer Logo

The H&S test ser­ver offers the pos­si­bi­li­ty to start and ope­ra­te vir­tu­al ser­vers. The­se are loa­ded from an exis­ting SCL and can be con­trol­led indi­vi­du­al­ly. In this way, values ​​can be chan­ged direct­ly in the ser­ver and simu­la­ti­ons can be car­ri­ed out. Crea­ted SCL files can be tes­ted in advance. 

NetMonitor Logo

With the H&S Net Moni­tor, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on on the data bus can be moni­to­red and log­ged. Due to the needs adapt­ed to your needs, the­re is also the pos­si­bi­li­ty of inter­pre­ting the recei­ved IEC 61850 infor­ma­ti­on and dis­play­ing it as plain text.
This ensu­res a fas­ter and safer over­view and enables your engi­neers to get an accu­ra­te over­view on site 

IPSCockpit Logo

The inter­ac­ti­ve test­ing and simu­la­ti­on sys­tem (IPS) brings tog­e­ther test­ing and modelling.

Appro­pria­te use of the IEC 61850–6‑compliant data­ba­se pro­vi­des the neces­sa­ry infor­ma­ti­on to adapt the test sys­tem to dif­fe­rent test tasks.

The inter­face bet­ween the pri­ma­ry and secon­da­ry sys­tem tech­no­lo­gy is usual­ly imple­men­ted in par­al­lel with cop­per. Your effec­ti­ve and relia­ble test­ing requi­res a powerful tool — the IPS-20.

With the IPS-20, the deman­ding elec­tri­cal signals of the sta­ti­on con­trol tech­no­lo­gy can be obser­ved and simulated.

IEC 61850 Trai­ning & Consulting

Bei H&S ver­ste­hen wir, dass Wis­sen ent­schei­dend ist. Daher bie­ten wir Ihnen nicht nur hoch­wer­ti­ge Pro­duk­te, son­dern auch umfas­sen­de Schu­lun­gen für Sie und Ihre Mit­ar­bei­ter an. Unse­re Schu­lun­gen ver­mit­teln pra­xis­ori­en­tier­tes Know-how, damit Sie die vol­le Leis­tungs­fä­hig­keit unse­rer Pro­duk­te nut­zen können.

Der Bedarf an tech­ni­scher Bera­tung wird durch indi­vi­du­el­les Con­sul­ting durch unse­re erfah­re­nen Sys­tem­in­ge­nieu­re erfüllt. Wir ste­hen Ihnen zur Sei­te, um Ihre spe­zi­fi­schen Anfor­de­run­gen zu ver­ste­hen und maß­ge­schnei­der­te Lösun­gen zu ent­wi­ckeln. Ver­trau­en Sie auf H&S für einen ganz­heit­li­chen Ansatz, der nicht nur Pro­duk­te, son­dern auch Wis­sen und Bera­tung umfasst. Gemein­sam gestal­ten wir die Zukunft Ihrer Technologieanwendungen.

Thats what our cus­to­mers say

SCT NBF-NG — Deve­lo­p­ment of a data­ba­se based IEC61850 Engi­nee­ring tools

Mit 11.000 Kilo­me­tern Höchst­span­nungs­lei­tung, mit Span­nun­gen von 220 bis 380 Kilo­volt, gehört das Über­tra­gungs­netz von Ampri­on zu einem der längs­ten in Deutsch­land. 165 Schalt– und Umspann­anala­gen, ver­tei­len den Strom in die regio­na­len und loka­len Ver­teil­net­ze und ver­bin­den somit Strom­erzeu­ger und –Abneh­mer von Nie­der­sach­sen bis zu den Alpen—in einem Gebiet, in dem rund ein Drit­tel der deut­schen Wirt­schafts­leis­tung erzeugt wird. 

Netzgebiet Amprion

Als 2010 „When the “Ampri­on SCT NBF-NG” pro­ject, the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the IEC 61850 stan­dard and the top-down engi­nee­ring for our new pro­tec­tion and con­trol tech­no­lo­gy sys­tems, star­ted in 2010, Ampri­on was loo­king for a com­pa­ny that would advi­se us and help with the imple­men­ta­ti­on sup­port­ed by our soft­ware requi­re­ments. The requi­re­ment was to gene­ra­te a com­ple­te device-inde­pen­dent SCL file. 

Sin­ce the com­pa­ny H&S has an extre­me­ly high level of com­pe­tence in the area of ​​the IEC 61850 stan­dard and we have alre­a­dy work­ed tog­e­ther on seve­ral secon­da­ry and pri­ma­ry tech­ni­cal pro­jects, Ampri­on made the decis­i­on to imple­ment this pro­ject in coöperation. 

Befo­re the “SCT NBF-NG” pro­ject, the­re were no machi­ne-rea­da­ble frame­work con­di­ti­ons for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the sta­ti­on con­trol tech­no­lo­gy and the pro­ces­sing was the respon­si­bi­li­ty of the con­trol tech­no­lo­gy sup­pli­er. The­se pro­ces­ses were to be impro­ved using an engi­nee­ring tool with an atta­ched data­ba­se sys­tem (inclu­ding role-based access). The aim is to defi­ne frame­work con­di­ti­ons, to spe­ci­fy the sta­ti­on con­trol tech­no­lo­gy and to achie­ve inter­ope­ra­bi­li­ty and inter­ch­an­gea­bi­li­ty of the secon­da­ry tech­ni­cal com­pon­ents used bet­ween dif­fe­rent manufacturers. 

Through com­mit­tee work and the exch­an­ge with H&S, we have deve­lo­ped an IEC 61850 Ampri­on pro­fi­le for a data model, which is to be imple­men­ted by the engi­nee­ring tool. It should be empha­si­zed that the role-based access to the engi­nee­ring tool sepa­ra­tes the spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on of typi­cals and the design of the sys­tem. Many com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on pro­ces­ses are defi­ned tog­e­ther and then auto­ma­ted to ensu­re the stan­dard of the NBF-NG facilities.

Der inno­va­ti­ve tech­ni­sche Aus­tausch zwi­schen Ampri­on und H&S hat zu einem eta­blier­ten Engi­nee­ring Werk­zeug geführt. Wei­ter­ent­wick­lun­gen, Ver­bes­se­run­gen und Pro­blem­lö­sun­gen fin­den kon­ti­nu­ier­lich statt, um unse­re Bedürf­nis­se an das Engi­nee­ring Werk­zeug zu erfüllen.“ 

Mat­thi­as Janke

Grid­pro­jects Stations
secon­da­ry sys­tems
Sta­ti­on Con­trol Tech­no­lo­gy

Matthias Janke

Deve­lo­p­ment and imple­men­ta­ti­on of an indi­vi­du­al engi­nee­ring tool
for the IEC61850 engi­nee­ring process

With its two TSOs — Elia in Bel­gi­um and 50Hertz in Ger­ma­ny — the Elia Group is one of the top 5 lea­ding trans­mis­si­on sys­tem ope­ra­tors in Euro­pe. Elia and 50 Hertz ope­ra­te a near­ly 18,990 km long high-vol­ta­ge net­work in Bel­gi­um and the nor­the­ast of Ger­ma­ny, which tog­e­ther sup­pli­es almost 30 mil­li­on end con­su­mers (lar­ge indus­try and house­holds) with electricity.

Elia ope­ra­tes a trans­mis­si­on net­work in Bel­gi­um with vol­ta­ge levels bet­ween 30 and 400 kilo­volts (kV). 50Hertz trans­ports elec­tri­ci­ty in Ger­ma­ny using the high vol­ta­ge levels of 150, 220 and 380 kilo­volts (kV).

“In order to respond to the engi­nee­ring needs that were intro­du­ced with the inte­gra­ti­on of IEC 61850 in our secon­da­ry sys­tems, we were loo­king for engi­nee­ring soft­ware that cover­ed all of our requi­re­ments. We met the H&S deve­lo­p­ment team at a IEC 61850 ori­en­ted semi­nar and they con­vin­ced us with a tail­or made engi­nee­ring tool.

We set up a joint pro­ject in which the goal was to deve­lop an engi­nee­ring pro­cess tog­e­ther that would allow inde­pen­dent con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on of sta­ti­on gate­ways (RTU / DCS) and test­ing of field pro­tec­tion units. This should ensu­re maxi­mum fle­xi­bi­li­ty while con­ce­al­ing the com­ple­xi­ty of the IEC61850 stan­dard from our designers.

The “Elia SCD Gene­ra­tor” deve­lo­ped in this pro­ject offers us the pos­si­bi­li­ty to edit signal lists, crea­ted in the engi­nee­ring depart­ment, to check them accor­ding to the sche­me of the IEC 61850 stan­dard and to recei­ve a ful­ly con­fi­gu­red, stan­dar­di­zed .scd file as a result in the pro­ject. This includes all IED data models of the sys­tem, gene­ra­ted from the signal lists, the cli­ent con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on for the RTUs (gate­ways), and the IEC60870‑5–104 infor­ma­ti­on that is requi­red for trans­mis­si­on to the net­work con­trol cent­re. During the pro­ject pha­se, H&S con­vin­ced us with a high degree of coöpe­ra­ti­on and a flaw­less imple­men­ta­ti­on of our requi­re­ments. Becau­se of a high level of fle­xi­bi­li­ty, we were able to react to new requi­re­ments during the cour­se of the pro­ject, to deve­lop solu­ti­ons tog­e­ther and to inte­gra­te them smooth­ly into our engi­nee­ring pro­cess. The team from H&S con­vin­ced us in the preli­mi­na­ry talks with com­pe­tence and ste­adi­ly increased our con­fi­dence in the work at regu­lar phy­si­cal mee­tings. I am con­vin­ced that some of the solu­ti­ons and ide­as that emer­ged during the deve­lo­p­ment will be mar­ket-lea­ding in the future. For exam­p­le, the con­cept of con­fi­gu­ring cli­ents with gene­ric and thus manu­fac­tu­rer-inde­pen­dent IED models. Also the com­pa­ri­son of IED data models bet­ween gene­ra­ted and real IED models, which is very deman­ding in terms of con­tent and an update func­tion based on the com­pa­ri­son has been imple­men­ted with an extre­me­ly intui­ti­ve solu­ti­on. We can defi­ni­te­ly recom­mend working with H&S, as the enti­re pro­cess con­sis­ting of a high degree of fle­xi­bi­li­ty, per­so­nal cont­acts with very open com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and an agi­le deve­lo­p­ment envi­ron­ment inclu­ding an appro­pria­te cost struc­tu­re (also for sub­se­quent requi­re­ments) were opti­mal. ”  

EliaSCDGen 256x256 1

Tho­mas Sterckx Exper­ti­se Secon­da­ry Systems



Auf dem Weg zu opti­ma­ler Effi­zi­enz und moderns­ter Tech­no­lo­gie unter­stüt­zen wir Sie ger­ne. Für Bestel­lun­gen, Fra­gen und wei­te­re Infor­ma­tio­nen zu unse­ren IEC 61850-Pro­duk­ten ste­hen wir Ihnen jeder­zeit zur Ver­fü­gung. Kon­tak­tie­ren Sie uns unter: